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1973 VW Campervan Restoration Part 17

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In “1973 VW Campervan Restoration Part 17,” Snowdonia Classic Campers takes you through the process of preparing Nell, their 1973 VW Bay window campervan, for the upcoming 2020 hire season. This episode focuses on the restoration of the sliding door, rear hatch, bumper, and side panels. The video showcases the steps involved in fitting repair sections, welding them in place, and using adhesive sealant for added strength. The narrator also highlights the significance of making certain modifications to prevent rusting from condensation or moisture. Stay tuned for the next episode, which will cover the restoration of the rear hatch, bumper, and side panels.

In this professional and informative second-person article, Snowdonia Classic Campers presents the seventeenth installment of their video series titled “1973 VW Campervan Restoration Part 17.” The episode features the meticulous restoration work done on Nell, their 1973 VW Bay window campervan, in preparation for the upcoming 2020 hire season. The focus is on the sliding door, rear hatch, bumper, and side panels, detailing the steps involved in fitting repair sections, welding, and using adhesive sealant. The narrator emphasizes the importance of specific modifications to prevent rusting. Be sure to watch the next episode for more details on the restoration process.

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Preparing Nell for the 2020 hire season

Fitting the repair section for the sliding door

One of the important tasks in preparing Nell for the 2020 hire season is to address any damage and areas of concern. Starting with the sliding door, it is crucial to fit a repair section to ensure its proper functioning. This involves carefully assessing the condition of the door and determining the extent of the damage. Once this is done, a suitable repair panel should be selected and cut to fit the specific dimensions of the sliding door.

Making sections for the sides

In addition to repairing the sliding door, attention should also be given to the sides of Nell. This entails making sections that can effectively address any structural issues or cosmetic damage. By taking the time to carefully analyze the condition of the sides, it becomes possible to identify areas that require attention. Whether it is patching up small dents or addressing more significant damage, creating sections that fit seamlessly into place is crucial for a comprehensive restoration.

Welding and securing the repair panel

Once the repair panel is fitted for the sliding door and the sections for the sides are prepared, it is necessary to proceed with the welding and securing process. This involves meticulously ensuring that the repair panel is securely welded in place, thereby enhancing the structural integrity of the sliding door. Using appropriate welding techniques and materials is vital to guarantee a strong and durable repair job.

Grinding down the welds

After the welding process, it is important to grind down the welds to achieve a smooth and even finish. This step requires attention to detail and precision to ensure that the surface is properly prepared for further treatments. By taking the time to grind down the welds, any imperfections or rough areas can be eliminated, resulting in a professional-looking repair.

Gluing the front panel to the inner panel

To further strengthen the sliding door and ensure its longevity, it is advisable to glue the front panel to the inner panel. This additional step adds an extra layer of support and security, minimizing the chances of future damage. Choosing the appropriate glue and following the recommended application process is essential to achieve optimal results.

Securing the edges of the repair panel

To ensure that the repair panel for the sliding door is securely in place, it is essential to focus on securing the edges. This involves using suitable techniques and materials to reinforce the edges and ensure they are firmly attached. By paying close attention to this detail, the likelihood of any future issues or damage is significantly reduced.

Completing the welding and applying dog skis

In order to complete the welding process, it is important to carefully inspect the repair work and make any necessary adjustments or touch-ups. Once satisfied with the welding, the next step is to apply dog skis. These skis are designed to provide additional support and protection to the sliding door, especially since it is subjected to continuous use and potential impact.

Applying additional glue for strength

To further enhance the structural integrity of the repair work, it is recommended to apply additional glue. This extra layer of adhesive adds strength and durability, ensuring that the repair panel remains securely in place even under demanding conditions. Proper preparation and application of the glue will contribute to a long-lasting and reliable restoration.

Addressing deep dents and filling them

During the restoration process, it is crucial to assess the condition of Nell closely and address any deep dents that may be present. These dents not only compromise the aesthetics of the vehicle but can also impact its overall functionality. Through the careful application of filler, the deep dents can be filled, and the surface can be properly smoothened. This step requires attention to detail and skill to achieve a flawless finish.

Final touches on the sliding door

To complete the restoration of the sliding door, it is important to focus on the final touches. This includes checking for any imperfections, ensuring that the repairs are seamlessly integrated into the overall design, and giving the door a final polish. By dedicating time to these final details, the sliding door will be restored to its former glory, ready to contribute to the overall appearance and functionality of Nell.

Next project: Rear Hatch

Introduction to the rear hatch restoration

Continuing the preparation of Nell for the 2020 hire season, the next project is to restore the rear hatch. The rear hatch plays a crucial role in the overall functionality and aesthetics of the vehicle, and therefore, it is crucial to ensure its proper restoration. This project involves a comprehensive approach to address any damage, improve the appearance, and guarantee the smooth operation of the rear hatch.

Inspecting the condition of the hatch

Before proceeding with the restoration process, it is important to thoroughly inspect the condition of the rear hatch. This inspection helps identify any areas of concern, such as dents, scratches, or rust. By carefully assessing the extent of the damage, it becomes possible to determine the appropriate steps required to restore the hatch effectively.

Preparing the surface

To achieve a flawless restoration, it is essential to prepare the surface of the rear hatch properly. This involves removing any existing paint, rust, or debris. By meticulously cleaning the surface and ensuring it is smooth and free of imperfections, the subsequent steps in the restoration process will yield superior results.

Applying primer and paint

Once the surface is thoroughly prepared, the next step is to apply primer and paint. Primer provides a protective layer and helps adhere the paint to the surface, while the paint itself enhances the appearance of the rear hatch. By selecting high-quality primer and paint materials and following the recommended application techniques, the rear hatch can be restored to its original or desired color and finish.

Installing new handles and hinges

During the restoration process, it is advisable to inspect the handles and hinges of the rear hatch. If they are worn out, damaged, or outdated, it may be necessary to replace them. Installing new handles and hinges not only improves the functionality of the hatch but also adds to its overall visual appeal. It is important to select handles and hinges that are compatible with the specific model of Nell and ensure they are properly aligned and functioning correctly.

Polishing and buffing the hatch

The final step in the restoration of the rear hatch is to polish and buff it. This process involves carefully applying polish or wax to the painted surface, followed by gentle buffing to achieve a smooth and glossy finish. By dedicating attention to this final stage, the rear hatch will gleam with a professional shine, completing the overall restoration and contributing to the visual appeal of Nell.

1973 VW Campervan Restoration Part 17

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Bumper Restoration

Examining the current state of the bumper

As part of Nell’s comprehensive restoration, attention must be given to examining the current state of the bumper. The bumper is crucial for protecting the vehicle’s front and rear bodywork from potential impacts. By carefully inspecting the bumper, it becomes possible to identify any damage, wear, or issues that may compromise its functionality or appearance.

Sanding and smoothing the surface

To prepare the bumper for restoration, it is necessary to sand and smooth the surface. This step involves using appropriate sanding materials and techniques to remove any paint, rust, or imperfections. By achieving a smooth and even surface, the subsequent steps in the restoration process can be effectively executed.

Applying primer and paint

Once the surface of the bumper is properly prepared, the next step is to apply primer and paint. Primer acts as a protective layer and ensures proper adhesion of the paint to the surface. By selecting high-quality primer and paint materials and following the recommended application process, the bumper can be restored to its original or desired color and finish.

Replacing any damaged sections

During the bumper restoration, it is important to identify and replace any damaged sections. This may involve sourcing replacement parts that match the specific model of Nell’s bumper. By addressing any areas of concern and ensuring that the bumper is solid and intact, the overall restoration will result in a durable and functional bumper.

Installing new bumper brackets

To complete the bumper restoration, it is advisable to install new bumper brackets if necessary. Bumper brackets provide stability and ensure proper alignment of the bumper with the vehicle’s bodywork. By selecting appropriate brackets and securely installing them, the bumper will be firmly attached and able to fulfill its protective role effectively.

Side Panel Repairs

Identifying areas of damage on the side panels

In Nell’s comprehensive restoration, it is important to thoroughly assess the condition of the side panels. This involves identifying any areas of damage, such as rust, corrosion, or dents. By carefully inspecting the side panels, it becomes possible to determine the extent of the repairs required and plan the appropriate restoration process.

Removing rust and corrosion

One of the key steps in side panel repairs is removing rust and corrosion. This process requires specialized tools and techniques to effectively eliminate the rust and restore the affected areas to their original condition. By addressing rust and corrosion promptly, the side panels can regain their integrity and appearance.

Applying filler and sanding the surface

To address dents and surface imperfections on the side panels, it is necessary to apply filler and sand the surface. This step involves meticulously applying the filler material, allowing it to cure, and then skillfully sanding the surface to achieve a smooth finish. By combining attention to detail and skillful application, the side panels can be restored to a pristine condition.

Priming and painting the side panels

After addressing any damage and achieving a smooth surface, the next step is to apply primer and paint to the side panels. Primer provides a protective layer and enhances the adhesion of the paint, while the paint itself restores the appearance of the side panels. By carefully selecting high-quality materials and following the recommended application process, the side panels will regain their original luster and contribute to the overall restoration of Nell.

Reinstalling the side panels

Once the side panels have been repaired, primed, and painted, the final step is to reinstall them onto Nell. This process requires attention to detail, ensuring that the panels are aligned correctly and securely fastened. By reinstalling the side panels correctly, their functionality and visual appeal are fully restored.


Reflecting on the progress made in Part 17

In Part 17 of preparing Nell for the 2020 hire season, significant progress has been made in restoring key elements of the vehicle. The sliding door, rear hatch, bumper, and side panels have all undergone meticulous repair and restoration processes, resulting in improved functionality, enhanced aesthetics, and increased durability.

Discussing upcoming projects for future episodes

Looking ahead, the next episodes of Nell’s restoration will focus on other important projects. These may include restoring the interior, addressing mechanical components, or refurbishing the wheels. Each project will be approached with the same meticulous attention to detail and commitment to excellence, ensuring that Nell is in top condition for the 2020 hire season.

Thanking viewers for their support

As always, the restoration of Nell would not be possible without the support and encouragement of viewers. The dedication and passion for classic car restoration displayed by the audience is truly inspiring and serves as a driving force for the continued progress of Nell’s restoration journey.

Encouraging viewers to like, comment, and subscribe

To stay updated on the latest episodes and restoration projects for Nell, it is encouraged that viewers subscribe to the channel and engage by liking and commenting on the videos. This not only helps support the restoration efforts but also fosters a vibrant community of enthusiasts who share a love for classic car restoration.

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