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Installation of a Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater in a Van

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We present to you an informative and instructional video titled “Installation of a Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater in a Van.” In this captivating episode of our van build series, we take you through the entire installation process of the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC heater in our van. Despite facing a few obstacles, such as a cut finger and misplacing a connector piece, we successfully overcome them and complete the installation. Our aim with this video is to provide confidence and guidance for DIY installations, and we also highlight the availability of standard Webasto kits, additional accessories, and replacement parts. Furthermore, we invite viewers to follow us on Instagram and Facebook, and we disclose our participation in affiliate programs to earn a small percentage of sales through affiliate links.

As part of the heater install, we encountered unexpected weather conditions in the form of a tropical storm named Hurricane Zeta, which brought heavy rain and high winds during the installation process. Nevertheless, we persevered and managed to finish connecting the gas line, electrical components, and the remote for the heater. It is essential to note that buying from a certified US distributor ensures support for Mobasto heaters. Additionally, we want to emphasize that DIY installation does not void the warranty of the Webasto heater, although it is crucial to remember that we are not certified installers and this video is for informational purposes only. We appreciate your support and hope that this video gives you the confidence you need to install a Webasto Air Top 2000 STC heater in your van, especially during upcoming cold weather trips.

Installing the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater in a Van

Installation of a Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater in a Van

Obstacles Overcome during Installation

Installing the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater in a van can be a challenging task, but with careful planning and attention to detail, many obstacles can be overcome. One of the first challenges we encountered was finding the necessary space in the van to install the heater. Vans often have limited space, especially when they are already outfitted with other essential components such as sleeping quarters or storage areas. However, by reconfiguring our layout and making some adjustments, we were able to find a suitable spot for the heater.

Another obstacle we faced during the installation process was the need for proper ventilation. The Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater requires proper airflow for efficient operation and to prevent the buildup of dangerous fumes. We had to carefully plan the placement of the intake tube and exhaust hose to ensure they were properly routed to the outside of the van. This required creative problem-solving and the use of additional accessories such as P-clamps and heat shrink to secure the hoses in place.

Straightforward Installation Process

Despite the obstacles we encountered, the overall installation process of the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater was relatively straightforward. Webasto provides detailed installation instructions that guide you through each step of the process. By carefully following these instructions and referencing online resources, we were able to install the heater with confidence.

Webasto offers various kits to make the installation process even easier. Their standard kits include all the necessary components for a basic installation, such as the heater unit, wiring harness, control panel, and fuel pump. These kits are designed to fit a wide range of van models and come with comprehensive instructions tailored to each specific application.

Aims to Provide Confidence and Guidance for DIY Installations

Our goal in documenting our installation process is to provide confidence and guidance for those who may be considering a DIY installation of the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater in their own van. We understand that taking on such a project can be daunting, but with the right tools, resources, and a bit of patience, it is entirely possible to successfully install the heater on your own.

Throughout this article, we will discuss the various challenges we encountered and how we overcame them. We will also provide tips and recommendations based on our own experiences, in the hopes of making the installation process smoother and more manageable for others.

Available Webasto Kits and Accessories

Standard Webasto Kits

Webasto offers a range of kits to suit different installation needs. Their standard kits are designed to provide all the necessary components for a basic installation, ensuring that you have everything you need to get started. These kits typically include the heater unit, wiring harness, control panel, fuel pump, and various mounting brackets and hardware.

What sets the Webasto kits apart is their attention to detail and compatibility. They are designed to fit a wide range of van models, making them suitable for many different types of vehicles. This is especially important for those who are embarking on a DIY installation, as it ensures that the components will fit properly and work seamlessly together.

Additional Accessories and Replacement Parts

In addition to their standard kits, Webasto also offers a range of additional accessories and replacement parts. These accessories can enhance the functionality of your Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater and allow for customization to suit your specific needs.

Some popular accessories include remote timers, which allow you to program the heater to turn on and off at designated times, and fuel-powered auxiliary heaters, which can provide additional warmth on particularly cold days. Webasto also offers replacement parts for those who may need to repair or replace a component of their heater system.

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If you are interested in learning more about our installation process and staying up to date with our latest adventures, we encourage you to follow us on Instagram and Facebook. We regularly post updates, photos, and videos detailing our journey with the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater, as well as other van life-related content.

By following us on social media, you will have the opportunity to ask questions, gather inspiration, and connect with a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for van life and DIY projects. We believe in the power of collaboration and love engaging with our followers, so don’t hesitate to reach out and join the conversation.

Participation in Affiliate Programs

In order to support our content creation efforts and continue sharing valuable information with our audience, we participate in affiliate programs. This means that we may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through the links we provide on our website or social media channels. Rest assured, our recommendations are always based on our genuine experiences and opinions.

By participating in affiliate programs, we are able to cover the costs associated with maintaining our website and creating high-quality content. We appreciate your support and encourage you to reach out if you have any questions or concerns regarding our affiliate partnerships.

Installation in Challenging Weather

Impact of Tropical Storm Hurricane Zeta

During the installation process of the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater, we encountered unexpected weather conditions that posed additional challenges. Specifically, we were in the midst of Tropical Storm Hurricane Zeta, which brought heavy rain and high winds to our location. While this may have discouraged some, we were determined to continue with the installation and find ways to mitigate the impact of the weather.

Challenges Faced during Heavy Rain and High Winds

The heavy rain presented challenges in terms of keeping the interior of the van dry while working on the installation. We made sure to properly seal any openings or vulnerable areas to prevent water from entering the van. Additionally, we had to carefully plan our work schedule to take advantage of breaks in the rain. This required flexibility and patience, but ultimately allowed us to continue the installation process without significant delays.

High winds also posed a challenge during the installation. We had to take extra precautions to ensure that our materials and tools remained secure and that we were safe while working outside. This meant utilizing additional support methods, such as securing tarps and using heavier-duty equipment when necessary. By prioritizing safety and adaptability, we were able to continue making progress despite the challenging weather conditions.

Support for Webasto Heaters

Buying from Certified US Distributor Provides Support

One of the key considerations when purchasing a Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater is ensuring that you buy from a certified US distributor. This provides several benefits, including access to reliable customer support and assistance throughout your installation process. Certified distributors have extensive knowledge of Webasto products and can provide guidance and troubleshooting tips if needed.

Furthermore, buying from a certified distributor ensures that you are purchasing genuine Webasto products, which are backed by warranty. In the event that you encounter any issues or need replacement parts, having the support of a certified distributor will simplify the process and ensure that you receive the necessary assistance.

Warranty Not Voided by DIY Installation

It is worth mentioning that installing the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater on your own does not void the warranty. As long as you follow the installation instructions provided by Webasto and use genuine Webasto components, your warranty will remain intact. This is an important consideration for those who are confident in their DIY abilities and want to take on the installation themselves.

Webasto recognizes the growing interest in DIY installations and encourages individuals to embrace the challenge. By providing comprehensive installation instructions and offering support through certified distributors, Webasto aims to empower individuals to take control of their heating system installation and create a comfortable living space in their van.

Installation Process Details

Content Creator Works on Routing Intake Tube and Exhaust Hose

During the installation process of the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater, we focused on properly routing the intake tube and exhaust hose. This involved careful planning and consideration of the layout of the van, as well as the necessary precautions for safe and efficient operation of the heater.

To ensure proper airflow, we positioned the intake tube in an area of the van that allowed for the intake of fresh air from outside. The exhaust hose was routed to the exterior of the van to expel any fumes generated by the heater. Accuracy and precision were crucial in this step to prevent any leaks or obstructions that could compromise the performance of the heating system.

Secure Hoses with P-Clamps and Heat Shrink

To ensure that the intake tube and exhaust hose remained securely in place, we utilized P-clamps and heat shrink. P-clamps are commonly used to secure hoses and pipes, providing stability and preventing any unwanted movements. By securely fastening the hoses with P-clamps, we were able to minimize the risk of damage or obstruction during driving or other movements of the van.

Heat shrink, on the other hand, was used to seal the connections between the hoses and the heater unit. Heat shrink is a material that, when heated, contracts and tightly wraps around the connection, creating a secure and watertight seal. This additional layer of protection further safeguards against leaks and ensures the proper functioning of the heating system.

Setback Resulting from Injury and Cutting Gas Piece

During the installation process, we experienced a setback when one of our team members sustained an injury. This unfortunate incident temporarily halted our progress and required us to adapt our approach. It served as a reminder of the importance of safety precautions and the need to prioritize well-being during complex DIY projects.

In addition to the injury setback, we also encountered a challenge when cutting a gas piece during the installation. The precise cutting and fitting of this gas piece are crucial for the proper operation of the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater. To overcome this challenge, we sought assistance from a professional to ensure that the piece was cut correctly and safely integrated into the system.

Using Butt Connectors for Wire Connections

A key aspect of the installation process involved connecting the wiring harness of the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater. To achieve secure and reliable connections, we opted to use butt connectors. Butt connectors are widely used in electrical installations and provide a secure and insulated connection between two wires.

When using butt connectors, it is important to ensure proper sizing and crimping to guarantee a strong connection. Additionally, we tested all electrical connections to verify their integrity and functionality before proceeding with the installation process. This thorough testing process provided us with confidence in the safety and effectiveness of our work.

Ensuring Safety with Heat Shrink, Heat Shield Wrap, and Electrical Tape

Safety is of utmost importance when installing the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater, and we took several precautions to ensure the safety and longevity of our installation. In addition to using heat shrink to secure the hoses, we utilized heat shield wrap and electrical tape to protect and insulate the wiring.

Heat shield wrap is specifically designed to protect wiring and other components from the heat generated by the heater unit. By carefully wrapping the wiring harness with heat shield wrap, we provided an additional layer of protection and minimized the risk of damage or malfunction.

Electrical tape was used to further insulate and secure the wiring connections. This tape not only prevents moisture and dirt from entering the connection, but it also provides added support and stability. By combining these safety measures, we achieved a reliable and secure installation that prioritized the safety of both the heating system and the occupants of the van.

Discussion on Wiring Harness

Overview of Wiring Harness and Components

The wiring harness of the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater is a crucial element that enables proper communication and functionality of the heating system. It consists of various components, each serving a specific purpose and requiring careful attention during the installation process.

The main components of the wiring harness include the control panel, fuel pump, and various sensors and connectors. The control panel allows for the adjustment and customization of the heating system, while the fuel pump ensures a steady supply of fuel. Sensors and connectors play a vital role in monitoring and regulating the operation of the heater, ensuring optimal performance and safety.

It is important to carefully review the wiring diagram provided by Webasto and follow the instructions for proper installation and connection of each component. Taking the time to understand the wiring harness and its components will ensure a successful installation and reliable operation of the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater.

Plans for High Altitude Adjustment and New Wire Harness

For those planning to travel to high altitude regions, it is worth considering a high altitude adjustment for the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater. This adjustment compensates for the reduced air density at higher altitudes, ensuring that the heater operates efficiently and effectively.

In addition to the high altitude adjustment, Webasto offers a new wire harness specifically designed for high altitude installations. This wire harness includes additional components and modifications to optimize the performance of the heater at high altitudes. By utilizing this specialized wire harness, van dwellers can enjoy consistent heat even in the most challenging environments.

Difficulties Encountered

Challenges with Installing Cap

One of the difficulties we encountered during the installation process was fitting the cap. The cap serves as a protective cover for the intake tube when the heater is not in use, preventing the entry of dirt, debris, and moisture. However, achieving a snug fit and proper alignment proved to be more challenging than anticipated.

To overcome this challenge, we had to carefully adjust the position of the intake tube and make minor modifications to ensure the cap fit securely. This required patience and attention to detail, but ultimately we were able to successfully install the cap and ensure the protection of the intake tube when the heater is not in use.

Using Tools to Cut the Floor for Cap Installation

In some van models, it may be necessary to cut a hole in the floor for the installation of the cap. This allows for the intake tube to extend through the floor and connect to the heater unit. Cutting the floor can be a daunting task, especially for those who are not experienced with this type of modification.

To complete this step successfully, it is essential to have the right tools and a clear plan. A jigsaw or similar cutting tool can be used to create a clean and precise hole in the floor. It is advisable to measure and mark the desired location of the hole beforehand and proceed with caution to avoid damage to other components or the structural integrity of the van.

By taking the necessary precautions and using the appropriate tools, cutting the floor can be accomplished safely and efficiently, allowing for the proper installation of the cap and the overall functionality of the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater.

Successful Testing and Heat in the Van

Heater Successfully Tested

After completing the installation process and addressing all the challenges along the way, we were eager to put the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater to the test. We conducted thorough testing to ensure that all components were functioning correctly and that the heater was capable of providing the desired heat output.

During the testing phase, we verified that the control panel allowed for easy adjustment of the temperature and fan speed. We also assessed the fuel pump’s performance and ensured that the intake tube and exhaust hose were providing the proper ventilation. Lastly, we monitored the heater’s operation for an extended period to ensure consistent and reliable heat production.

The successful testing phase provided us with peace of mind and confirmed that our installation was a success. We were excited to have a reliable and efficient heating system installed in our van, ready to keep us warm during the upcoming Midwest trip.

Excitement about Having Heat in the Van

The installation of the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater marked a significant milestone in our van life journey. Finally having a dependable heating system in place filled us with excitement and anticipation. No longer would we have to rely solely on blankets and layers of clothing to stay warm during chilly nights or cold weather adventures.

Having heat in the van not only provides comfort but also opens up possibilities for year-round travel and exploration. It allows us to venture into colder climates with confidence and peace of mind, knowing that we have a reliable source of warmth wherever we go. The installation of the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater has truly enhanced our van life experience and made it even more enjoyable.

Upcoming Trip and Heat Necessity

Mention of Midwest Trip

With the installation of the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater complete, we were eager to put it to the test during our upcoming Midwest trip. The Midwest region is known for its unpredictable weather, with temperatures that can fluctuate dramatically throughout the day and night. This makes a reliable heating system essential for staying comfortable and safe during our travels.

We planned our trip with a mix of outdoor adventures, urban exploration, and visits to family and friends. During our journey through the Midwest, we anticipated encountering various weather conditions, from chilly nights to frosty mornings. Our Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater would prove to be invaluable in ensuring that we had a warm and cozy space to retreat to after a long day of exploring.

Anticipation of Needing Heat during the Trip

As we prepared for our Midwest trip, the anticipation of needing heat during this adventure grew. We meticulously packed our winter clothing, ensuring that we were well-prepared for potentially freezing temperatures. However, we knew that the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater would play a vital role in providing a warm and comfortable environment inside the van.

The thought of waking up to a chilly morning or returning to a cold van after a day spent outdoors was quickly replaced with excitement. We felt a sense of gratitude for the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater and the comfort it would bring during our Midwest trip. With our installation complete and our heating system ready to go, we set off on our journey, eagerly awaiting the warmth and coziness that awaited us in the van.

I'm Jess, the creator behind - Your Ultimate Guide to Living off the Grid in the Majestic Expanse of Alaska! Connect with like-minded souls on my website to share stories, seek advice, and plan meet-ups. Dive into a world where the Northern Lights meet off-grid living, where solitude meets survival, and where your adventure van becomes your home. Explore real-life tales of adventurers braving the Alaskan elements in their decked-out vans and get step-by-step guides on setting up your own off-grid van. Join the movement and let the Alaskan wilderness become your next home. Adventure awaits!