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Installing a Webasto Air Top STC 2000 Gasoline Heater in a Van

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In the name of “Installing a Webasto Air Top STC 2000 Gasoline Heater in a Van,” our article outlines the process of installing a Webasto Air Top STC 2000 Gasoline Heater in a Ram ProMaster van. The purpose of this video is to guide viewers through the DIY heater installation process and reduce uncertainty. It is highly recommended to purchase the heater from a North American Webasto Authorized Distributor to receive professional service, assistance, and warranty coverage. The video provides links to a local distributor in the Southeast that offers wide shipping, as well as information on additional accessories and replacement parts. The installation process involves determining the proper mounting location for the heater, sourcing additional pieces if needed, and following the provided instructions. It is important to choose a suitable location, avoid wood flooring, use a mounting plate for ventilation, and protect the fuel line with heat shields. Overall, this article aims to provide step-by-step guidance and essential information for successfully installing a Webasto Gasoline Heater in a van. Stay tuned for part two of the video, which will cover the remaining steps in the installation process.

Choosing a Certified US Distributor

When it comes to purchasing a Wabasto heater for your van, it is crucial to choose a certified US distributor. A North American Webasto Authorized Distributor not only ensures the authenticity of the product but also provides several benefits that guarantee a successful installation. These benefits include access to genuine parts and components, expert advice and technical support, warranty coverage, and a wide range of products to choose from.

By purchasing from a certified distributor, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are investing in a high-quality and reliable heater that meets all safety standards. Additionally, a certified distributor will have a deep understanding of the product and its installation requirements, allowing them to provide you with accurate information and guidance throughout the process. This can save you time, effort, and potential headaches when installing the heater in your van.

To find a local distributor in the Southeast, you can refer to the official Webasto website or contact their customer service. They will be able to provide you with the necessary information to connect with a distributor who can fulfill your specific requirements and ensure a smooth purchasing experience.

Planning the Installation

Before installing the Wabasto heater in your van, careful planning is essential to ensure a seamless process. One of the first steps in this planning phase is determining the ideal location to mount the heater. Factors to consider include accessibility, available space, and proximity to the areas you intend to heat. By strategically choosing the installation location, you can maximize the efficiency and functionality of the heater.

Another aspect to consider during the planning phase is the presence of any obstacles or ribs under your van’s floor. These structures can pose challenges when it comes to securely mounting the heater. It is important to identify these obstacles beforehand and plan accordingly to ensure a secure and stable installation.

Furthermore, it is crucial to avoid mounting the heater directly onto wood floors. Wood is a flammable material, and the installation of a Wabasto heater requires proper ventilation to minimize the risk of fire hazards. Instead, using a mounting plate specifically designed for ventilation purposes is recommended. This not only provides a safe and secure installation but also ensures the longevity of your wood floors.

Preparing the Van

Preparing your van before the installation process is a crucial step to ensure a successful outcome. Gathering the necessary tools and materials beforehand can save you time and prevent interruptions during the installation. Some of the commonly required tools include a drill with appropriate drill bits, screwdrivers, wrenches, and wire cutters. It is important to have these tools readily available to avoid any unnecessary delays.

Another vital aspect of preparation is ensuring proper ventilation in the installation area. Wabasto heaters require proper airflow for safe and efficient operation. Therefore, it is necessary to install the heater in an area that allows for adequate ventilation, such as near a door or window. This will ensure that the heater functions optimally and reduces the risk of overheating or malfunction.

Additionally, cleaning the area where the heater will be installed is imperative. Dust, debris, and other contaminants can interfere with the heater’s performance and pose a potential safety risk. By thoroughly cleaning the installation area, you can ensure that the heater operates smoothly and efficiently, providing you with reliable warmth when needed.

Installing a Webasto Air Top STC 2000 Gasoline Heater in a Van

Drilling Holes and Applying Primer

During the installation process, drilling holes in specific locations is often necessary to secure the heater in place. These holes should be identified beforehand, ensuring that they align with the mounting brackets of the heater. Using an appropriate drill bit is crucial to prevent any damage to the van’s structure and to ensure a clean and precise hole.

To prevent rust and corrosion around the drilled holes, applying primer is recommended. Primer creates a protective barrier that inhibits the formation of rust, extending the lifespan of your installation. It is important to ensure that the primer is evenly and thoroughly applied to all exposed metal surfaces to provide maximum protection.

Connecting Fuel Pump and Electrical Wires

In order to properly operate the Wabasto heater, connecting the fuel pump to the unit is necessary. The fuel pump ensures a steady flow of fuel to the heater, allowing it to generate heat effectively. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions closely when attaching the fuel pump to prevent any leaks or malfunctions.

Routing the electrical wires properly is also crucial for a successful installation. Wiring the heater incorrectly can lead to electrical issues or even pose a safety risk. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully route the wires according to the manufacturer’s instructions and secure them in place using appropriate clips or fasteners. This ensures that the electrical connections remain secure and protected throughout the lifespan of the heater.

When connecting the fuel pump and electrical wires, it is important to double-check all connections to ensure they are tight and secure. Loose connections can lead to poor performance or even hazardous situations. Taking the time to ensure secure connections will guarantee the proper functioning of your Wabasto heater.

Routing the Fuel Line

Properly routing the fuel line is crucial for the safe and efficient operation of your Wabasto heater. The fuel line connects the fuel pump to the heater, allowing the fuel to flow and provide the necessary energy for heat generation. When routing the fuel line, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and create a clear and secure path.

Connecting the fuel line to the fuel pump should be done with care to prevent any leaks or damage. It is recommended to use appropriate fittings and ensure that they are tightened securely. Additionally, using heat shields along the fuel line can provide added protection and prevent potential heat damage to other components or structures under the van.

When routing the fuel line underneath the van, it is essential to ensure that it is well-protected and away from any potential hazards. This includes avoiding areas where the fuel line could be damaged by road debris or extreme temperatures. Securing the fuel line in place using clips or brackets will help maintain its integrity and prevent any unnecessary wear or damage.

Assembling the Wabasto Heater

Assembling the Wabasto heater requires careful attention to detail and following the manufacturer’s instructions. Utilizing the provided base plate for assembly is recommended, as it ensures proper alignment and stability. This base plate should be securely attached to the van before proceeding with the rest of the assembly.

Connecting rubber connectors is the next step in the assembly process. These connectors allow for the proper flow and circulation of air, ensuring efficient heating. It is important to ensure a tight and secure connection to prevent any air leaks that could decrease the performance of the heater.

Lastly, attaching the exhaust and inlet hoses completes the assembly of the Wabasto heater. These hoses are essential for the proper ventilation and release of exhaust gases. Following the manufacturer’s instructions and securing the hoses tightly in place ensures that the heater operates safely and effectively.

Optional Muffler Installation

When it comes to reducing noise levels, installing a muffler for your Wabasto heater is an option worth considering. Depending on personal preference and the van’s insulation, it may be necessary to install a muffler to minimize noise levels. This is particularly important if you plan to use the heater during nighttime or in areas with noise restrictions.

Installing a muffler requires following specific steps outlined by the manufacturer. These steps usually involve attaching the muffler to the exhaust system of the heater and securing it in place. It is important to ensure a proper and secure installation to maximize its effectiveness in reducing noise.

However, if a muffler is not necessary or desired, there are alternative ways to minimize noise levels. This includes insulating the van, specifically the walls and floors, with sound-deadening materials. Additionally, positioning the heater away from sleeping or rest areas can help reduce the perceived noise level. By considering these alternatives, you can still enjoy the benefits of a Wabasto heater without the need for a muffler.

Securing the Heater in Place

Once the Wabasto heater is properly assembled and all necessary connections have been made, securing it in place is crucial for its safe and efficient operation. Ensuring that the heater is firmly mounted to the van prevents any unnecessary movement during transit or vibrations that could compromise its performance.

Checking for any loose connections is an important step in securing the heater. It is recommended to go through each connection and fastener, ensuring that they are all properly tightened and secure. This includes checking the mounting brackets, screws, and any other components that may have been used during the installation process.

Properly organizing wires and connections is another aspect of securing the heater in place. By neatly arranging the wires and securing them with appropriate clips or fasteners, you can prevent any potential tangling or damage. This also helps to maintain a tidy and organized installation, making it easier to access and service the heater if needed in the future.


In conclusion, installing a Wabasto heater in your van can greatly enhance your comfort and ensure a warm and cozy environment during cold weather. However, it is essential to approach the installation process with careful planning and attention to detail. Choosing a certified US distributor guarantees the authenticity of the product and provides several benefits that contribute to a successful installation.

By carefully planning the installation, preparing the van, drilling holes, connecting the fuel pump and electrical wires, routing the fuel line, and assembling the Wabasto heater, you can achieve a professional and efficient installation. Optional steps, such as installing a muffler or considering alternative noise-reduction methods, can further enhance your experience.

Securing the heater in place ensures its safe and seamless operation, while regular maintenance and inspections are recommended to prolong its lifespan. By following these guidelines and recommendations, you can enjoy the benefits of a reliable and efficient Wabasto heater in your van, providing warmth and comfort wherever your travels take you.

I'm Jess, the creator behind - Your Ultimate Guide to Living off the Grid in the Majestic Expanse of Alaska! Connect with like-minded souls on my website to share stories, seek advice, and plan meet-ups. Dive into a world where the Northern Lights meet off-grid living, where solitude meets survival, and where your adventure van becomes your home. Explore real-life tales of adventurers braving the Alaskan elements in their decked-out vans and get step-by-step guides on setting up your own off-grid van. Join the movement and let the Alaskan wilderness become your next home. Adventure awaits!