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Restoration of a 1973 VW Campervan: Fitting the Front Panel

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In this twelfth installment of the video series by Snowdonia Classic Campers, titled “Restoration of a 1973 VW Campervan: Fitting the Front Panel,” the focus is on preparing the campervan named Nell for the upcoming 2020 hire season. The main task showcased in this episode is the welding and fitting of the new front panel onto the campervan. The content creator also discusses the challenges and techniques involved in achieving proper panel fit and highlights additional tasks, such as routing the wiring harness and applying wax oil for rust protection. The video concludes with the completion of the front panel fitting and plans for preparing the vehicle for painting in the next episode.

Throughout this installment, the content creator goes through the step-by-step process of welding and fitting the front panel and deformation panel of the 1973 VW Campervan. The video provides detailed instructions on drilling pilot holes, welding nuts, filling holes, welding and grinding down welds, and fitting the doors. The content creator also addresses areas that require adjustment for a better fit and demonstrates the process of making those adjustments. Additionally, the video mentions the equipment used for filming, features various music tracks, and includes contact information for Snowdonia Classic Campers.

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Preparing for Front Panel Fitting


When it comes to fitting a front panel on a vehicle, careful preparation is key to achieving a seamless and professional result. This article will guide you through the step-by-step process of preparing, welding, fitting, and adjusting the front panel, as well as routing the wiring harness and applying wax oil for rust protection. By following these instructions and using the necessary tools and equipment, you will be well on your way to successfully fitting a front panel that not only enhances the appearance of your vehicle but also ensures its functionality and durability.

Tools and Equipment

Before you begin fitting the front panel, it is essential to gather the necessary tools and equipment. Some of the tools you will need include a drill with various sized drill bits, welding equipment, a grinder, cutting and welding tools, measuring tape, and markers for marking areas that require adjustment. Additionally, you will need safety gear such as gloves, safety glasses, and a welding mask to protect yourself during the welding and grinding processes. Having all the necessary tools and equipment ready will help streamline the fitting process and ensure a higher level of efficiency.

Assessing the Vehicle

Prior to fitting the front panel, a thorough assessment of the vehicle is crucial. Examine the existing front panel and identify any areas of damage or rust that may need repair or replacement. Inspect the fit of the current doors and evaluate whether adjustments need to be made during the fitting process. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the condition and alignment of the vehicle before proceeding with the front panel fitting to ensure a precise and satisfactory outcome.

Prepping the Area

To prepare the area for front panel fitting, it is necessary to remove any components that may hinder access or obstruct the fitting process. This may include headlights, grille, and any other accessories that are attached to the front panel. Carefully detach these components, keeping track of the fasteners and hardware used, as they may be needed during reassembly. It is also important to clean the area thoroughly, removing any dirt, debris, or rust to ensure proper adhesion of the new components. Taking the time to prepare the area adequately will contribute to a smoother fitting process and improve the overall result.

Welding and Filling Holes

Drilling Pilot Holes

Before starting the welding process, it is recommended to drill pilot holes in the appropriate areas where the front panel will be attached. Pilot holes provide an initial guide for weld placement and help ensure accurate alignment during the fitting process. Use a drill with the appropriate-sized drill bit to create the pilot holes, taking care to position them precisely according to the mounting points of the front panel.

Welding Nuts

Once the pilot holes have been drilled, welding nuts can be attached to provide secure fastening points for the front panel. Welding nuts are typically positioned in areas where there are no existing nuts or bolts to attach the panel. Align the welding nuts with the pilot holes and use welding equipment to tack weld them into place. Ensure that the welding nuts are securely attached and able to withstand the force and weight applied to the front panel during normal vehicle operation.

Filling Holes

If there are any existing holes or gaps in the vehicle’s body that need to be filled before fitting the front panel, it is important to fill them properly to ensure a seamless finish. Depending on the size and depth of the holes, a filler material such as a body filler or fiberglass can be used. Apply the filler material according to the manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring that it is evenly distributed and smoothed out. Allow the filler to cure completely before proceeding with the fitting process. Filling holes will not only enhance the appearance of the vehicle but also prevent any potential water or debris infiltration.

Fitting the Front Panel

Aligning the Panel

Proper alignment is crucial when fitting the front panel to achieve a seamless and professional result. Carefully position the front panel in place, aligning it with the mounting points and ensuring that it sits flush against the vehicle’s body. Use measuring tapes and levels to confirm that the panel is aligned symmetrically and meets the desired specifications. Making the necessary adjustments at this stage will contribute to a better fit and overall aesthetic appeal.

Welding and Grinding

Once the front panel is properly aligned, the welding and grinding process can begin. Use a welding machine and the appropriate welding technique to securely fasten the front panel to the vehicle’s body. Start by tack welding the panel at strategic points, gradually working your way around until the entire panel is securely attached. After welding, use a grinder to smooth out the welding seams and achieve a polished finish. Take extra care during this process to ensure that the panel remains aligned and the welding seams are even.

Adjusting for Better Fit

Even with careful alignment and welding, there may be areas that require further adjustment for a better fit. Take note of any gaps or unevenness and mark them for further modification. This could involve cutting excess material, welding additional supports, or grinding down protruding edges. Perform these adjustments diligently, ensuring that the front panel fits snugly against the vehicle’s body. Making the necessary adjustments will contribute to a finished result that is both aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound.

Restoration of a 1973 VW Campervan: Fitting the Front Panel

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Fitting the Doors

Removing Old Doors

Before fitting new doors, it is necessary to remove the existing ones. Carefully detach the door hinges and any other attachments, ensuring that all electrical connections are disconnected before removal. Take note of the hardware used for the doors, as they may be needed for attaching the new doors. Ensure that the old doors are stored in a safe place, as they may be needed for reference or as spare parts in the future.

Aligning and Attaching New Doors

Once the old doors have been removed, align the new doors with the door openings, ensuring that they sit flush against the vehicle’s body. Use the hardware from the old doors, or as specified by the manufacturer, to attach the new doors securely. Take care during this process to ensure that the doors are aligned properly, allowing for smooth opening and closing.

Adjusting for Proper Closure

After the new doors have been attached, it is important to check for proper closure. Open and close the doors multiple times, ensuring that they operate smoothly and latch securely. If any adjustments are necessary for better closure, mark the areas that require modification and proceed with the necessary cutting, welding, or grinding techniques. It is crucial to achieve proper door closure for safety, security, and overall functionality of the vehicle.

Routing the Wiring Harness

Removal of Old Wiring

Before installing a new wiring harness, it is necessary to remove the old wiring. Carefully detach the electrical connections and harnesses, ensuring that they are marked or labeled for easy identification during the installation of the new wiring. Take note of any damaged or worn-out wiring components that may need replacement. Thoroughly inspect the electrical system to ensure that any potential hazards or issues are addressed before proceeding with the new wiring installation.

Installing New Wiring

With the old wiring removed, it is time to install the new wiring harness. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and route the wiring carefully, ensuring that it does not interfere with any moving components or pose a safety hazard. Connect the electrical components and harnesses according to the designated wiring diagram, double-checking each connection for accuracy. Secure the wiring along its route to minimize the risk of damage or disconnection.

Securing the Harness

After the wiring harness is installed, it is crucial to secure it properly to ensure reliability and durability. Use appropriate fasteners, clamps, or zip ties to secure the wiring in place. Pay attention to areas where the wiring passes through sharp edges or areas of high temperature, ensuring that protective insulation or conduit is used to prevent damage. Thoroughly inspect the wiring harness after securing it to ensure that it is free from any obstructions or vulnerabilities.

Applying Wax Oil for Rust Protection

Purpose of Wax Oil

Wax oil is commonly used as a protective coating to prevent rust and corrosion on vehicles. It provides a barrier against moisture and contaminants that can lead to the deterioration of metal surfaces. Applying wax oil to the front panel helps to ensure its longevity and maintain its appearance by preventing rust formation and promoting durability.

Preparing the Surface

Before applying wax oil, it is essential to prepare the surface adequately. Thoroughly clean the front panel, removing any dirt, grease, or rust that may hinder proper adhesion. Use appropriate cleaning agents, brushes, and sandpaper to ensure a smooth and clean surface. Inspect the panel for any imperfections or damage that may require repair or further preparation before applying the wax oil.

Applying the Wax Oil

Once the surface is prepared, apply the wax oil evenly and generously using a brush, sponge, or spray applicator. Ensure that all areas of the front panel are covered, paying special attention to joints, crevices, and areas prone to moisture accumulation. Allow the wax oil to dry and cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring that the vehicle is in a well-ventilated area during this process. Applying wax oil regularly, as part of a maintenance routine, will help protect the front panel from rust and extend its lifespan.

Identifying Areas for Adjustment

Assessing Fit Issues

After the front panel, doors, and wiring harness are installed, it is essential to assess the fit of these components and identify any areas that may require adjustment. Carefully inspect the overall fit, noting any gaps, misalignments, or tight clearances. Additionally, check for any interference with other components, such as the hood or fenders. Accurately assessing fit issues will help determine the necessary modifications needed for a better fit.

Marking Areas for Adjustment

Once fit issues have been identified, it is important to mark the areas that require adjustment. Use markers or tape to indicate the specific locations that need modification. Taking the time to mark these areas will help guide you during the modification process and ensure that adjustments are made accurately.

Preparing for Modifications

Before making any modifications to the front panel or other components, it is crucial to prepare the necessary tools and equipment. This may include cutting tools, welding equipment, grinding discs, or any other tools required for the specific modifications needed. Always wear appropriate safety gear and follow proper techniques when performing modifications to ensure safety and achieve desired results.

Making Adjustments for Better Fit

Cutting and Welding Techniques

When making adjustments to the front panel or other components, cutting and welding techniques may be necessary. Carefully follow proper cutting techniques to remove excess material. Use welding equipment to attach additional supports or make structural adjustments as needed. It is crucial to use the appropriate cutting and welding techniques to ensure the integrity and strength of the modified areas.

Grinding Down Excess Material

After making adjustments, there may be excess material that needs to be ground down to achieve a seamless and smooth finish. Use a grinder with the appropriate disc to carefully remove any protruding edges or uneven surfaces. Take care during the grinding process to avoid damaging adjacent areas and to maintain the overall alignment and fit of the front panel.

Checking Fit After Adjustments

Once adjustments and modifications have been made, it is important to check the fit and alignment of the front panel and other components. Carefully assess any areas that have been modified and ensure that they now meet the desired specifications. Make any necessary additional adjustments or modifications to achieve the best possible fit.

Completion of Front Panel Fitting

Final Inspection

After all adjustments and modifications have been made, perform a thorough final inspection. Check the alignment and fit of the front panel, doors, and other components, ensuring that everything is securely attached and properly aligned. Examine the welding seams, grinding finish, and overall aesthetic appearance. Take note of any remaining issues or areas that require further attention.

Securing the Panel

Once the front panel fitting is complete and all adjustments have been made, it is essential to ensure that the panel is securely attached. Double-check all fasteners, welding seams, and mounting points to confirm that they are properly tightened and able to withstand normal vehicle operation. Performing a final check for secure attachment will help prevent any potential issues or hazards in the future.

Next Steps

With the front panel now securely fitted, the next steps may include reassembling any components that were removed during the fitting process. This may involve reattaching the headlights, grille, and other accessories. Ensure that all electrical connections and wiring harnesses are properly connected and tested for functionality. Following the fitting process, it is important to monitor the front panel, doors, and wiring harness periodically to detect any issues or signs of wear that may require further attention or maintenance.


Fitting a front panel requires careful preparation, precise alignment, and skillful modifications. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this article, and utilizing the necessary tools and equipment, you can achieve a professional and durable result. From assessing the vehicle to fitting the front panel, doors, and routing the wiring harness, each step contributes to the overall functionality and aesthetic appeal of the finished product. Applying wax oil for rust protection and identifying areas for adjustment further enhance the longevity and quality of the front panel fitting. By completing the process with thorough inspections and proper securement, you can take pride in your front panel fitting accomplishment and enjoy the improved appearance and functionality of your vehicle.

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I'm Jess, the creator behind - Your Ultimate Guide to Living off the Grid in the Majestic Expanse of Alaska! Connect with like-minded souls on my website to share stories, seek advice, and plan meet-ups. Dive into a world where the Northern Lights meet off-grid living, where solitude meets survival, and where your adventure van becomes your home. Explore real-life tales of adventurers braving the Alaskan elements in their decked-out vans and get step-by-step guides on setting up your own off-grid van. Join the movement and let the Alaskan wilderness become your next home. Adventure awaits!