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STEALTH Stargazing Superb Van Build Tour

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In the STEALTH Stargazing Superb Van Build Tour by Jarrod Tocci, you’ll get a detailed look at Kirby’s impressive van conversion. The video begins with credits to Kyle for filming and Abbe for assisting, followed by links to their channels. Throughout the video, Jarrod provides information about various brands and products used in the van, including HART Tools, TotalBoat, and Van Life Tech Products. Abby, the tour guide, shares her experience as a van builder and takes us through the different features of Kirby’s 2021 Ram ProMaster, such as the hidden shower, two-sided kitchen, concealed toilet, and sliding bed. The van also boasts a skylight, ample storage space, and a powerful electrical system. Kirby’s contact information is provided for those interested in purchasing a similar van. Overall, the tour offers an in-depth look at an impressive van build with unique and functional features.

STEALTH Stargazing Superb Van Build Tour

STEALTH Stargazing Superb Van Build Tour

Welcome to the STEALTH Stargazing Superb Van Build Tour! This comprehensive video will take you through all the amazing features of this van, from its hidden shower and faucet to its slide-out bed, skylight, and more. If you’re someone who loves adventure and wants to experience the van life, this tour will give you some serious inspiration for your own build.

So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s dive into the world of the STEALTH Stargazing Superb Van!


Before we begin, let’s give credit where credit is due. This incredible van build wouldn’t be possible without the hard work and expertise of the team behind it. We want to acknowledge Kyle, the camera operator who skillfully captured all the details of this build. Abbe deserves acknowledgment for their contributions to the video, while Kirby, the builder and B-roll provider, truly brought this van to life.

Links and Contact Information

If you’re interested in checking out more of Kyle’s amazing videography, be sure to visit his YouTube channel. Additionally, don’t miss the Carving the Coast trailer for more inspiring van life content. For those who are captivated by this particular van build and want to reach out to its builder, Jarrod’s contact information will be provided. And finally, keep an eye out for any partnerships or affiliates associated with this video, as they may offer great opportunities for you to explore the world of van living.

Overview of the Van

Let’s start by taking a closer look at the van itself. The STEALTH Stargazing Superb is built on a sturdy and reliable van model, specifically designed to accommodate all your needs while on the road. With its sleek and stealthy exterior, you can blend right into any environment, making it perfect for those who prefer to explore off-the-grid locations.

The van’s specifications include ample storage space, a comfortable seating area, a fully-functional kitchen, a hidden toilet, a slide-out bed, and even a skylight for stargazing while lying down. This van is truly a dream come true for anyone looking to embrace a life of adventure and freedom.

Interior Features

One of the standout features of this van is its beautifully designed interior. As soon as you step inside, you’ll be greeted by a sense of coziness and functionality. Every inch of the van has been carefully planned and executed to provide maximum comfort and convenience during your journeys.

Hidden Shower and Faucet

One of the most innovative features of the STEALTH Stargazing Superb is its hidden shower and faucet. Need to freshen up after a long day of hiking or simply want to relax under a warm stream of water? No problem! Just lift up the shower enclosure and voila! You have a fully-functional shower complete with a faucet and shower head combination.

Gone are the days of needing to find a campsite with shower facilities or relying on wipes to clean off. With this hidden shower, you can enjoy the luxury of cleanliness wherever your adventure takes you.

Two-Sided Kitchen

The kitchen area in this van is a true game-changer. Featuring a sink with filtered water, you can easily wash your dishes and keep yourself hydrated without worrying about carrying around heavy water bottles. The filtered water system ensures that you always have access to clean and fresh water, no matter where your travels lead you.

In addition to the sink, the kitchen also boasts an induction stove. This sleek and modern cooktop allows you to whip up delicious meals on the road with ease. Induction cooking is not only efficient but also safe, as it only heats up when the appropriate cookware is placed on top. No more worrying about open flames or gas leaks in your tiny home on wheels!

Hidden Toilet

When nature calls, you’ll be grateful for the hidden toilet in this van. Say goodbye to public restrooms or long walks to find suitable facilities. The toilet is cleverly designed on 250-pound drawer slides, allowing it to slide out and be tucked away when not in use.

This hidden toilet ensures privacy and convenience, making it a true lifesaver during your adventures. No one will even know it’s there until you need it.

Slide-Out Bed

After a day filled with outdoor activities, the thought of a comfortable bed is pure bliss. The STEALTH Stargazing Superb understands this need and provides a slide-out bed that is both spacious and cozy. With just a push of a button, your seating area transforms into a comfortable sleeping space, allowing you to recharge for the next day’s adventures.

The bed is designed with comfort in mind, featuring a high-quality mattress that ensures a good night’s sleep. Say goodbye to uncomfortable air mattresses or cramped sleeping quarters. This slide-out bed is a true game-changer in the world of van living.

Skylight and Walkable Glass

If you’re someone who loves stargazing or simply enjoys bringing the outdoors in, the skylight and walkable glass in this van will leave you in awe. The large skylight allows you to enjoy stunning views of the night sky while lying in bed, creating a truly magical experience.

Additionally, the walkable glass located on the floor adds a unique touch to the van’s interior design. Not only does it let natural light flood in, but it also allows you to see the world underneath your van. This feature adds a sense of connection with nature and creates an unforgettable experience while on the road.

Electrical System

The STEALTH Stargazing Superb is equipped with a top-of-the-line electrical system that ensures you never have to compromise on power. Whether you need to charge your devices, run appliances, or power your lighting, this van has got you covered.

The electrical system includes solar panels on the roof, which harness the power of the sun to charge the batteries. This means you can go off-grid for extended periods without worrying about running out of power. The system also features a power inverter to convert DC power to AC power, providing you with the ability to use regular household appliances such as laptops or hairdryers.

Sound System

Of course, no van tour is complete without mentioning the sound system. The STEALTH Stargazing Superb boasts a high-quality sound system that allows you to enjoy your favorite tunes while on the road. Whether you’re blasting upbeat music to set the mood for an adventure or relaxing with some chill beats at the end of the day, this sound system will elevate your van living experience to a whole new level.

Mirror and Closet

Getting ready for the day or a night out in the van is made easier with the inclusion of a mirror and closet. The built-in mirror allows you to check your outfit or freshen up your appearance, while the closet provides ample storage space for your clothes and personal belongings.

Having a dedicated space for your wardrobe not only keeps your van tidy and organized but also ensures that your clothes stay wrinkle-free and easily accessible. You won’t have to worry about rummaging through bags or digging through piles of clothes in search of the perfect outfit.

Fridge and Freezer

There’s nothing quite like enjoying a cold beverage or whipping up a delicious meal with fresh ingredients while on the road. The STEALTH Stargazing Superb understands this and features a fridge and freezer combo that keeps your food and drinks perfectly chilled.

Gone are the days of relying on coolers filled with ice or having to settle for shelf-stable food. With the fridge and freezer in this van, you can bring along your favorite snacks, store perishable groceries, and indulge in refreshing beverages whenever you please. It’s the little luxuries like this that make van life all the more enjoyable.

Storage Baskets

In order to make the most of the limited space in a van, efficient storage solutions are a must. That’s why the STEALTH Stargazing Superb is equipped with strategically placed storage baskets throughout the interior.

These baskets provide ample space for storing various items such as camping gear, electronics, kitchen essentials, and more. With the help of these storage baskets, you can keep your van organized and clutter-free, ensuring that everything has its place.

Exterior Design

The exterior design of the STEALTH Stargazing Superb is sleek, stylish, and, as the name suggests, stealthy. The van seamlessly blends in with its surroundings, allowing you to park discreetly and immerse yourself in nature without drawing unwanted attention.

The clean lines, dark colors, and minimalistic design make this van stand out from the crowd. It’s the perfect combination of aesthetics and functionality, creating a van that is not only practical but also visually appealing.

Contact Information for Van Purchase

If this comprehensive tour has piqued your interest and you’re considering purchasing a van like the STEALTH Stargazing Superb, you’re in luck! Jarrod, the builder of this van, can provide you with more information and assist you with your van life dreams. Please refer to the provided contact information to get in touch with Jarrod and explore the possibilities.


And there you have it – the STEALTH Stargazing Superb Van Build Tour! We hope this video has inspired you and given you a glimpse into the world of van living. From the hidden shower and faucet to the slide-out bed and skylight, this van truly offers the perfect blend of comfort, functionality, and style.

Whether you’re a seasoned van-lifer or someone who’s just beginning to entertain the idea of van life, the STEALTH Stargazing Superb is definitely worth considering. So, start planning your next adventure, pack your bags, and hit the road in style with this incredible van build. Happy trails!

I'm Jess, the creator behind - Your Ultimate Guide to Living off the Grid in the Majestic Expanse of Alaska! Connect with like-minded souls on my website to share stories, seek advice, and plan meet-ups. Dive into a world where the Northern Lights meet off-grid living, where solitude meets survival, and where your adventure van becomes your home. Explore real-life tales of adventurers braving the Alaskan elements in their decked-out vans and get step-by-step guides on setting up your own off-grid van. Join the movement and let the Alaskan wilderness become your next home. Adventure awaits!