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Step-by-step installation of MAXXFAN Deluxe Vent Fans in a van

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In our latest installment of the Van Build Series, we join Matt and Katie as they tackle the step-by-step installation of MAXXFAN Deluxe Vent Fans in their van. This episode also features the use of DIY Van’s ProMaster Roof Adapter, CR Laurence t-vent and slider windows, and Goal Zero products. The fans not only help reduce condensation and provide fresh airflow, but they also aid in temperature regulation and moisture control. Matt carefully measures and cuts holes in the van, using plastic hammocks to catch metal shavings and applying Rust-oleum to prevent rusting. He then proceeds to create a watertight seal with window weld, placing flanges, butyl tape, and screws, before applying flex seal for further waterproofing. In future episodes, Matt plans to connect the fans to the electrical system.

In this How-To video, Matt provides detailed instructions on the installation process, showcasing the tools and techniques he uses to successfully complete the project. Stay tuned for the next episode of the Van Build Series, where Matt and Katie will finish the electrical and garnish installations. As always, they appreciate the support and encourage viewers to shop through their affiliate links. Follow them on Instagram and Facebook to stay updated on their van build journey.

Step-by-step installation of MAXXFAN Deluxe Vent Fans in a van

Table of Contents


Before starting the installation process, it is crucial to gather all the necessary materials. This ensures that we have everything we need within arm’s reach, minimizing any delays or interruptions. The materials required typically include window fans, plastic hammocks, Rust-oleum, window weld, adapter and flanges, butyl tape, Flex Seal, and metal screws.

Once the materials are collected, it is essential to measure and mark the installation area accurately. This step guarantees that the fans will fit snugly and function optimally. Start by measuring the dimensions of the van’s windows and mark the installation area accordingly. This process ensures a precise fit and saves time and effort during the installation phase.

Cutting Holes in the Van

To install window fans in a van, it is necessary to cut holes in the desired locations. To catch any metal shavings that may occur during this process, using plastic hammocks is highly recommended. These hammocks act as a barrier, preventing metal shavings from scattering and causing potential harm or damage. By catching these metal shavings, we can maintain a clean and safe working environment.

To prevent rusting, it is crucial to apply Rust-oleum to the newly created holes. Rust-oleum acts as a protective layer, inhibiting rust formation and extending the lifespan of the installation. By taking this precautionary step, we can ensure that the window fans will remain durable and functional for an extended period, even through varying weather conditions.

Creating a Watertight Seal

After cutting the holes in the van, it is essential to create a watertight seal around the edges to prevent any water leakage. This step requires the use of window weld, which is specifically designed to provide a strong and secure seal. Apply the window weld generously around the edges of the holes, ensuring complete coverage.

To further enhance the watertight seal, place adapters and flanges into the holes. These components act as connectors between the window fans and the van’s structure, providing additional support and stability. Secure them firmly in place, ensuring a snug fit.

To reinforce the seal and provide an extra layer of protection against water penetration, apply butyl tape around the edges of the adapters and flanges. Butyl tape is known for its excellent adhesion properties and resistance to water, making it an ideal choice for waterproofing the installation. Apply the tape evenly, pressing it firmly to create a tight seal.

Waterproofing the Installation

To ensure maximum waterproofing, it is important to apply Flex Seal to the windows and surrounding areas. Flex Seal is a widely-used waterproofing product that provides a durable and long-lasting barrier against water permeation. Apply the Flex Seal generously to the windows and the edges of the adapters and flanges.

To ensure optimal effectiveness, it is advisable to apply a second coat of Flex Seal. This additional layer further enhances the waterproofing capabilities, reducing the risk of water leakage and potential damage. Allow the first coat of Flex Seal to dry completely before applying the second coat, following the manufacturer’s instructions for best results.

Step-by-step installation of MAXXFAN Deluxe Vent Fans in a van

Installing the Fans

Once the waterproofing process is complete, it is time to install the window fans. Using metal screws, secure the fans onto the adapters and flanges, ensuring a tight and secure fit. These metal screws provide a sturdy connection and prevent any movement or shifting of the fans.

During the installation process, it is important to adjust the fans properly to ensure a proper fit. Check that they are aligned correctly and firmly secured in place. Proper adjustment ensures optimal airflow and prevents any unnecessary noise or vibrations.


Installing window fans in a van can greatly enhance ventilation and airflow, creating a more comfortable and enjoyable traveling experience. By following the steps outlined above – from gathering materials to installing the fans – we can successfully complete the installation process and enjoy the benefits of improved air circulation in our van. With proper preparation, cutting holes, creating a watertight seal, waterproofing the installation, and installing the fans, we can create a well-ventilated and enjoyable environment within our van.

Step-by-step installation of MAXXFAN Deluxe Vent Fans in a van

I'm Jess, the creator behind - Your Ultimate Guide to Living off the Grid in the Majestic Expanse of Alaska! Connect with like-minded souls on my website to share stories, seek advice, and plan meet-ups. Dive into a world where the Northern Lights meet off-grid living, where solitude meets survival, and where your adventure van becomes your home. Explore real-life tales of adventurers braving the Alaskan elements in their decked-out vans and get step-by-step guides on setting up your own off-grid van. Join the movement and let the Alaskan wilderness become your next home. Adventure awaits!