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The Video: Part of a Van Build Series

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“The Video: Part of a van build series” is a comprehensive tutorial that takes viewers through the process of building upper cabinet doors for a van. The hosts, Matt and Katie, share their experience of having to start over due to a color mismatch in their first attempt. Viewers will learn about the Kreg Concealed Hinge Jig, the process of edge banding, and the products used in the project. Matt showcases his woodworking skills as he cuts and prepares the cabinet doors, demonstrating how to align them with the grain of the wood. Throughout the video, the hosts mention their participation in affiliate programs and showcase their attention to detail in the van build process.

In this engaging episode, DIY enthusiasts and van builders alike will find valuable information and inspiration. With a focus on precision and problem-solving, Matt and Katie take viewers on a step-by-step journey, sharing their tips, techniques, and the challenges they encountered along the way. Whether you’re a fan of van conversions or simply interested in woodworking, this video is a must-watch for those looking to enhance their DIY skills and achieve professional-looking results.

The Video: Part of a Van Build Series

Overview of the Van Build Series Video

Introduction to the Van Build Series

In this comprehensive van build series, we document the step-by-step process of transforming a regular van into a functional and comfortable living space. Our goal is to provide viewers with valuable insights and practical tips for their own van conversion projects. From cabinet making to painting and edge banding, we cover a wide range of topics to help ensure a successful van build.

Participants and Affiliation Mention

Our van build series features the work of two individuals, Matt and Katie, who are passionate about van conversions and have extensive experience in carpentry and interior design. Both participants are affiliated with our organization and bring their expertise to the table, making this video series a collaborative effort.

Objective of the Video

The objective of this particular video in the van build series is to guide viewers through the process of making upper cabinet doors, painting and preparing the kitchen area, edge banding, and finally, finishing the upper cabinets. We provide detailed instructions, handy tips, and demonstrations to help viewers replicate these steps effectively in their own van build projects.

Making Upper Cabinet Doors

Color Mismatch Issue

One of the initial challenges encountered during the cabinet door making process was a color mismatch between the new wood purchased by Matt and the existing wood used in the van’s interior. To overcome this issue, Matt decided to purchase new wood that closely matched the existing wood color, ensuring a cohesive aesthetic.

Matt’s Purchase of New Wood

To address the color mismatch, Matt carefully selected new wood that matched the existing wood’s color as closely as possible. This attention to detail ensured that the upper cabinet doors would seamlessly blend with the rest of the van’s interior.

Grain of the New Wood

The grain pattern of the new wood was another important consideration. Matt took into account the direction and consistency of the grain, intending to achieve a harmonious look across all cabinet doors. By choosing wood with a similar grain pattern, he created a visually pleasing and cohesive design.

Planning Layout Based on Grain Matching

To ensure a uniform appearance, Matt meticulously planned the layout of the cabinet doors, taking the grain matching into account. By organizing the doors in a way that aligned the grain pattern, he achieved a visually appealing and professional finish.

Demonstration of Bloom Compact Hinges

In this video segment, Matt demonstrated the use of Bloom Compact Hinges for the upper cabinet doors. These compact hinges provide a sleek and minimalist look while offering reliable functionality.

Drilling Holes for Hinges

Matt carefully measured and drilled holes for the installation of the Bloom Compact Hinges. Proper alignment and precise hole placement are crucial to ensure proper functioning of the cabinet doors.

Sanding the Doors

Before proceeding with the painting process, it was essential to achieve a smooth and even surface on the cabinet doors. Matt meticulously sanded each door, removing any imperfections and ensuring a professional finish.

Painting and Preparing the Kitchen area

Katie’s Painting Process

Katie took charge of the painting process for the kitchen area. She meticulously prepared the surfaces, ensuring they were clean and free from dust or debris. Using high-quality paint and brushes, she applied smooth and even coats, achieving a flawless finish that enhanced the overall aesthetics of the van’s interior.

Cutting and Preparing Drawer Faces

In addition to painting the kitchen area, Katie also focused on cutting and preparing the drawer faces. She measured the dimensions accurately and cut the faces to the desired sizes, paying attention to detail to ensure a perfect fit within the cabinet framework.

Strategic Placement for Football Cutouts

A unique and personalized touch was added to the drawer faces through the strategic placement of football cutouts. Katie carefully measured and marked the desired locations, ensuring a symmetrical and visually appealing design.

Measuring and Cutting Pieces

To complete the preparation of the kitchen area, Katie measured and cut additional pieces of wood for shelves, dividers, and other functional components. These pieces were carefully aligned and prepared, ensuring a seamless integration within the kitchen space.

Sanding All the Pieces

Before proceeding with the installation of the prepared components, it was crucial to sand all the pieces to achieve a smooth and polished surface. Katie meticulously sanded each piece, paying attention to detail to eliminate any rough edges or imperfections, resulting in a professional and refined finish.

Edge Banding Process

Introduction to Edge Banding

Edge banding is a technique used to cover the exposed edges of plywood or other wooden components, resulting in a seamless and finished appearance. It adds durability and enhances the overall aesthetics of the finished product.

Demonstration of Edge Banding Process

In this segment, we provided a demonstration of the edge banding process. Matt and Katie showcased the step-by-step procedure, including applying adhesive to the edge of the plywood, carefully aligning and pressing the edge banding onto the surface, and trimming the excess material for a clean and precise edge.

Melting Adhesive with an Iron

To ensure proper adhesion between the plywood and the edge banding, Katie demonstrated the use of an iron to melt the adhesive. The heat from the iron activates the adhesive, creating a strong bond between the two materials.

Ensuring Proper Adhesion with a Roller

Once the adhesive was melted, Matt used a roller to apply pressure evenly along the edge banding, ensuring secure adhesion. This step is crucial to achieve a seamless and long-lasting bond.

Trimming Excess Banding

After the edge banding was firmly attached, Katie used a trimming tool to remove the excess material, resulting in a clean and neat edge. This step is essential to achieve a professional and finished appearance for the van’s interior components.

Finishing the Upper Cabinets

Staining Plans for Doors and Drawer Fronts

To enhance the natural beauty of the wood used for the upper cabinet doors and drawer fronts, Matt and Katie discussed their plans to apply a stain. The staining process would add depth and richness to the wood, highlighting the grain pattern and creating a distinctive look.

Completion of Drilling and Clean Holes

After ensuring that all the necessary holes were drilled and clean, Matt confirmed the readiness of the upper cabinets for installation. Precise hole placement is critical to ensure proper functionality and alignment during the installation process.

Planning for the Installation of Upper Cabinets

In this segment, Matt and Katie discussed their plans for the installation of the upper cabinets. They measured and marked the desired locations, ensuring proper alignment and spacing within the van’s interior. Careful planning and attention to detail at this stage are vital to achieve a functional and visually appealing result.


In this comprehensive van build series video, we provided viewers with valuable insights and practical tips for making upper cabinet doors, painting and preparing the kitchen area, edge banding, and finishing the upper cabinets. The collaboration between Matt and Katie, along with their expertise in carpentry and interior design, ensured a professional and high-quality end result. The step-by-step demonstrations and detailed instructions offered viewers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration for their own van conversion projects. We hope that this video serves as a valuable resource and encourages others to embark on their own van build journey.

I'm Jess, the creator behind - Your Ultimate Guide to Living off the Grid in the Majestic Expanse of Alaska! Connect with like-minded souls on my website to share stories, seek advice, and plan meet-ups. Dive into a world where the Northern Lights meet off-grid living, where solitude meets survival, and where your adventure van becomes your home. Explore real-life tales of adventurers braving the Alaskan elements in their decked-out vans and get step-by-step guides on setting up your own off-grid van. Join the movement and let the Alaskan wilderness become your next home. Adventure awaits!