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Webasto High Altitude Adjustment

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In this episode of our van build series, we tackle the task of adjusting our Webasto Air Top 2000 STC heater to the High Altitude “setting.” While this adjustment may not be necessary if you are running your heater efficiently, we decided to explore it further after being inspired by van life Sagas. We walk you through the process step by step, highlighting the equipment needed and explaining the connections. It is important to note that if you have purchased an American heater, it is typically recommended to have this adjustment done professionally. However, the Webasto website provides a comprehensive guide for those who wish to undertake this task themselves.

Once we ground the wire from the connection piece, we proceed to adjust the heater using the remote, setting it to the recommended position for higher altitudes. After a few minutes, the heater starts and the remote begins blinking, indicating that we need to move it to a slightly lower altitude. We keep it in this position for three minutes before removing the grounding wire. While we cannot fully confirm the success of the adjustment without professional testing, we are hopeful that it will improve the performance of our heater at higher elevations and prevent carbon buildup.

Webasto High Altitude Adjustment

Webasto High Altitude Adjustment


At high altitudes, the performance of the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater may be compromised. To ensure optimal functionality, it is necessary to adjust the heater for high altitude conditions. In this article, we will discuss the process of adjusting the Webasto heater for high altitude, the tools and accessories required for the adjustment, as well as the difference between a professional adjustment and a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach. We will also provide step-by-step instructions on how to perform the high altitude adjustment, along with tips for testing its effectiveness.

Adjusting the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater

The Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater is a popular choice for heating and keeping comfortable in various settings, including vehicles and cabins. However, at high altitudes, the heater may struggle to provide the same level of performance due to the thinner air and reduced oxygen levels. To overcome this challenge, the heater needs to be adjusted to accommodate the altitude, ensuring efficient operation and optimal heating capabilities.

Necessity of High Altitude Adjustment

The need for a high altitude adjustment arises from the changes in air density that occur at higher elevations. As altitude increases, the air becomes thinner, resulting in reduced oxygen levels. This affects the combustion process in the Webasto heater, as it requires oxygen for fuel combustion and heat production. Failing to adjust the heater for high altitude may result in inefficient combustion, leading to reduced heating capabilities and potential damage to the unit.

Tools and Accessories for Adjustment

Before proceeding with the adjustment, it is crucial to gather the necessary tools and accessories. The tools required for the high altitude adjustment of the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater include a screwdriver, pliers, and a multimeter for measuring electrical continuity. Additionally, grounding wires or suitable connectors may be needed to properly ground and unground the connectors during the adjustment process.

Webasto High Altitude Adjustment

Professional vs DIY Adjustment

When it comes to adjusting the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater for high altitude, there are two options: seeking professional assistance or attempting a DIY adjustment. While a professional adjustment provides the peace of mind that comes with an expert’s knowledge and experience, a DIY adjustment can save time and money. However, it is important to note that the DIY approach requires careful attention to detail and adherence to the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid any potential damage to the unit.

Grounding the Connector Piece

To begin the high altitude adjustment process, it is necessary to ground the connector piece. First, locate the connector piece on the heater and carefully unplug it. The connector piece is usually located in a visible and accessible location, but referring to the manufacturer’s manual is advisable for precise identification. Once unplugged, ensure that it is properly grounded using an appropriate grounding wire or connector. The grounding process may vary depending on the specific model, so following the manufacturer’s instructions is essential.

Webasto High Altitude Adjustment

Turning the Remote to the 12 o’clock Position

After grounding the connector piece, switch the Webasto heater’s remote to the 12 o’clock position. This position is critical for initiating the high altitude adjustment process. By positioning the remote in this manner, the heater enters a diagnostic mode where it prepares for the adjustment. This step enables the heater to recognize the changes in altitude and adjust its settings accordingly.

Starting the Heater and Blinking

Once the remote is in the 12 o’clock position, start the Webasto heater. The heater will begin to go through a series of blinking sequences. These blinking sequences indicate that the adjustment process has been initiated and the heater is actively adapting its settings to high altitude conditions. It is important to note that the length of the adjustment process may vary depending on the specific model and altitude, so it is essential to allow ample time for the adjustment to take effect.

Webasto High Altitude Adjustment

Moving the Remote to the 9 pm or 8 pm Position

During the adjustment process, the next step is to move the remote to the 9 pm or 8 pm position. This action signals the heater to unground the wire, enabling the adjustment to be completed. The specifics of this step may vary depending on the model and manufacturer, so referring to the user manual is crucial for accuracy. Additionally, it is important to exercise caution while handling the wire to avoid any damage and ensure proper completion of the adjustment process.

Ungrounding the Wire and Stopping the Blinking

After moving the remote to the 9 pm or 8 pm position, carefully unground the wire connected to the heater. This step effectively stops the blinking sequences and indicates that the adjustment process has been successfully completed. It is important to ensure that the wire is properly disconnected according to the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid any potential issues or malfunctions.

Waiting for the Adjustment to Take Effect

After completing the high altitude adjustment process, it is crucial to allow some time for the adjustment to take effect. This waiting period allows the heater to calibrate its settings and adapt to the changes in altitude. The duration of this waiting period may vary depending on the model and altitude, so consulting the user manual or seeking guidance from a professional can provide valuable insights.

Testing the High Altitude Adjustment

Once the waiting period has passed, it is necessary to test the effectiveness of the high altitude adjustment. Start the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater and observe its performance. Ideally, the adjusted heater should provide consistent and efficient heating capabilities, even at high altitudes. If any issues or inconsistencies persist, it may indicate the need for further adjustment or professional assistance.

Experiences of Others

Numerous individuals have successfully adjusted their Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heaters for high altitude conditions. Some users have reported improved heating performance, better fuel efficiency, and increased overall satisfaction with their Webasto heaters after performing the high altitude adjustment. However, it is essential to note that experiences may vary depending on factors such as altitude, specific model, and individual adjustments.


Adjusting the Webasto Air Top 2000 STC Heater for high altitude conditions is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and efficient heating capabilities. By following the manufacturer’s instructions, utilizing the necessary tools and accessories, and carefully performing the adjustment steps, it is possible to adapt the heater to high altitude environments. Whether opting for a professional adjustment or choosing the DIY approach, attention to detail and adherence to safety guidelines are paramount. With a properly adjusted heater, individuals can enjoy reliable and comfortable heating, even at high altitudes.

I'm Jess, the creator behind - Your Ultimate Guide to Living off the Grid in the Majestic Expanse of Alaska! Connect with like-minded souls on my website to share stories, seek advice, and plan meet-ups. Dive into a world where the Northern Lights meet off-grid living, where solitude meets survival, and where your adventure van becomes your home. Explore real-life tales of adventurers braving the Alaskan elements in their decked-out vans and get step-by-step guides on setting up your own off-grid van. Join the movement and let the Alaskan wilderness become your next home. Adventure awaits!